Release notes

May 7, 2020

v1.9 Beta

What's new

Upload your hand drawn wireframes and build your user interfaces in the free-form editor. The Automatic Layout Engine infers element positioning and page hierarchy. It offers a live-preview of what you're building so you'll skip all that pixel-pushing and save a lot of time.

Themes - We’ve also added a first version of theming, with 4 predefined themes that will apply to the entire project.

How to change themes in Playground


Updated the onboarding Guide to a cleaner shorter version.

Improved Previewer with support for media queries.

Project settings page made responsive for error messages.

Improved the text editing experience.

Added a reset styling for all elements, to overcome the default one from the browser.

Updated CodeSandbox publisher.

Bug fixes

Renaming a used component fails.

Undo a Drag and Drop operation puts the element in the wrong position.

Delete all navigation links pointing to a page when that page is deleted.

Icon attribute changes are not reflected in stage.

Font color doesn’t apply when changing resolutions.

Font name input doesn’t accept ‘space’ character.

 User is thrown an error when navigating from cloned project back to dashboard.

User is stuck on load page when accessing an unauthorized url.

Removed button underline from release notes.

Inserted anchor tags are breaking the box-model expectations.

DnD an element in stage and the left sidebar is closed, tree view opens.

Undo by keyboard doesn't work for detaching component.

Paste style doesn't work for media queries.

Expand/Collapse Icons in inspector not aligned properly.

Update icons' source and sizes.

Droparea Overlay is off by a few pixels.

Media Queries sorted before code generation.

UI issues for Inspector in Firefox.

Add link URL alignment issue.

Elements flicker on changing child height.

Assets with special characters in their name do not appear after publish.

Link persists in tree view and published project after deletion.

Bottom scrollbar creates a flicker effect on hide/show left/sidebar.

CodeSandbox integration fails at small size of project.

Keyboard shortcuts don't work for cloned project.

made-with-teleportBuilt in TeleportHQ