Quickly add a link to an element - an external URL, a page, phone number.
Added custom tooltips
Update Layout structure view - update the grey colors, highlights and the icon.
Update collaborators icon.
Sign in with Google fails on Safari.
Selection is lost after zoom in/out. I have to select another element and reselect the initial one.
Stage position is not consistent and changes when moving from a page to another.
Cannot place an element as the last element of a container in tree view.
Font color does not appear correctly in preview / published website.
Spacebar triggers activated buttons in project settings.
Image uploads in Project Settings improvements.
Bugs and UI issues for new Project Settings implementation.
Deleting asset does not update in stage.
Cheat sheet z-index bug.
Create project validation bug.
Image resize doesn't keep aspect ratio.
Resizing an element horizontally sets the width to zero.
Unable to resize for media devices.
Editable content remains enabled at right-click outside editable area.