Release notes

March 20, 2020

v1.6 Beta

What's new

Project Settings - Social media meta tags, Google Analytics integration and custom code support.

The new project settings

Page Settings - Set custom routes and add social meta tags.

New page settings
Playground Tutorials - We've made a series of video tutorials on YouTube.

Demo Projects - Each new and existing account will get three demo projects that present the key features of the Playground.

 You can quickly access them, next to the Intercom chat.


Improved user feedback when editing text.

An important update was made to the stage area. The performance was improved, the interaction is smoother and the stage now has vertical scaling as you add elements.

Bug fixes

Now publisher for TeleportHQ deploys.

Notifications continued to appear when a user navigated from a page to another.

Some users received multiple welcome emails at sign up.

Components, pages and elements could be renamed with blank spaces.

Undo bug for uploaded asset.

Sign out didn't work properly in some edge cases.

An error message at adding elements in stage.

The wrong notification message when moving the stage.

A bug for resizing image in inline-block parent.

Elements were not added in stage after reopening the project.

The Playground's back-end would loop forever if an uploaded asset didn't have an extension in its name. Eg. upload_image.

Removed assets were still loading in the new project.

Undo didn't work properly when focusing out of editable text fields on the stage.

The size of an image component wasn't accurate in local publish.

History bugs for renaming elements.

The selection overlay used to bug out when the position of the selected element changed.

When deleting an asset from assets manager, only the first use of it updated in the stage.

Hover overlay for elements was out of its overflow.

Firefox browser: UI issue due to asset manager scrollbar.

Image with no existing or empty 'src' attribute couldn't be deleted.

Undo and redo buttons were not disabled when opening the Playground.

Image selection overlay was bugging out when closing the Asset Manager.

made-with-teleportBuilt in TeleportHQ